COVID-19 Resources

We have gathered various helpful resources for our church during this exceptional time of need.

Table of Contents

COVID-19 Christian Responses
General Christian Resources
Faith & Work Resources
Medical Resources
Care & Counseling Resources
Benevolence Fund

COVID-19 Christian Responses

General Christian Resources

Bible Resources

We want everyone to read the Bible for themselves and discover the truth and beauty of God’s Word. Scripture is God’s gift to us, lighting up our paths and drawing us into relationship with him.

Digital Library In Partnership With 9Marks

By partnering with 9Marks, HMCC gains the right to access and share their digital resources. To ensure the proper usage of these resources, only members of HMCC of Jakarta and HMCC of Tangerang will be given access to our Digital Books Library.

Free (or Discounted) Books to Read in Quarantine (The Gospel Coalition)

This is a great “one-stop shop” for a variety of free (or discounted) Christian resources from Audible, B&H/LifeWay, Banner of Truth Trust, Crossway, Focus on the Family, The Good Book Company, Lexham/Faithlife (Logos), Ligonier, Moody, P&R, 10 of Those, Westminster Bookstore, and Zondervan. 

For free resources particularly for children, check out Audible, LifeWay, and Crossway.

A Guide to Gospel Neighboring (Redeemer City to City)

This course helps you take simple, practical, biblical steps to know and serve the needs of your own neighbors—no expertise, program, or budget required. It also addresses some of the common, unbiblical pitfalls that make these efforts fall flat or cause more harm than good.

Faith & Work Resources

(Global Faith & Work Initiative: A Ministry of Redeemer City to City)

A Personal Devotional

This is a 15-day devotional for this unique time in the hope that it will encourage you to allow God to speak into every aspect of your life today. Scripture passages highlight people who were called by the Lord to do difficult and sometimes seemingly impossible things. 

Audio Sermons and Talks

These are free sermons and talks specifically regarding this season of uncertainty.

Courses for Remote Learning

All GFWI online courses and the Faith & Work Bible Study are currently free to be used individually or in small groups via video call.

Medical Resources

Informal Medical Consultation

We have a few GP doctors who are willing to give informal medical consultation to anyone in HMCC of Jakarta and HMCC of Tangerang about any medical concerns you might have during this time; they can suggest medicine and lab tests that can be taken in private labs, so as to avoid going to hospitals unless it’s an emergency. 

For more information, contact Sassha (

Other Online Medical Services

Care & Counseling Resources

Mental Health Care During Isolation (Redeemer City to City)

Simple tips from Asia Christian Counseling Association during COVID-19

Caring for One Another

Informal Counseling Services

We have a few members and friends of our church who have formal training in counseling who are willing to provide limited counseling to those in need via video call.

For more information, contact Zee (

Other Online Counseling Services

List of Christian counselors within KALM mobile app

Benevolence Fund

In light of Christ’s goodness, kindness, and generosity towards us when we do not deserve it, we also want to do good, be kind, and give generously to those around us. Especially amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic, there is (and will be) much need for such benevolence within our spiritual family and with our neighboring communities. 

The purpose of the Benevolence Fund is to help meet the felt needs within our spiritual family and with our neighboring communities.  We have formed a Benevolence Team to steward the use of the Benevolence Fund in helping individuals and families who are in crisis or experiencing other difficulties.  Although difficulties could be spiritual, psychological, social, and/or physical in nature, the Benevolence Team will primarily focus on giving financial assistance that will help in one or a number of those difficulties.

You can apply for help from the Benevolence Fund here.

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